What is the CEMA Loan? And Who Qualify for the Loan

Are you a New York (NY) property owner who needs a refinance or tax relief? You should certainly learn about and consider the CEMA (Consolidation Extension and Modification Agreement) loan. Let’s go through what this loan is, those who qualify for it, and some...

Buying a New York City Co-Op

New York City has one of the most complex and expensive real estate markets in the world. Co-op housing or cooperative housing is the most common alternative in NYC (over 75% of apartment buildings). If you are looking to invest in your first co-op apartment...

1031 Exchange Rules & How Does it Work?

Some of the savviest real estate investors have taken advantage of the 1031 exchange to grow their net worth and improve their portfolios. The 1031 exchange is a convenient procedure that enables you to swap an investment property for another of the exact nature while...

New York City Housing Lottery [2021]

Finding affordable housing is a near-impossible feat in New York City, where the average price for a one-bedroom apartment is $2,980. Therefore, debates have sprung up to determine ways to provide affordable housing in New York City. One way is through the New York...

What Is NYC Flip Taxes? And How to Avoid Flip Tax

Flip taxes are a foolproof method to raise funds for a building without incurring additional costs. It is a transfer fee that a buyer or seller pays the cooperative after selling or transferring an apartment. Additionally, flip taxes provide funds for capital...

NYC Transfer Tax Guide [2021]

The NYC Transfer Tax affects all transfers of cooperative shares or real estate property worth over $25,000 from one party to the next. Condos, single-family homes, and all other residential property are subject to this tax. It is one of the most expensive parts of...
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